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nearest town 意味

"nearest town"の例文


  • 隣の町


  • all right . tell me how to get to the nearest town .
    一番近い町までの 道を教えてくれ
  • which was 2 ,000 miles away from the nearest town .
  • tried to get to the nearest town , but there wasn't time .
    近くの町に急いだの でも、時間が無かった
  • can you give me a lift to the nearest town , anywhere with a train station ?
    よければ 近くの街か駅まで 乗せて行って くれないかい?
  • once i'm gone , you could lift that beast off the remaining speck , then carry him to the nearest town .
    その1 スペック氏を 近くの町へ運んでやる
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